deKay's Lofi Gaming

Beautiful Katamari (360)

GAAAAAaaAGH! Hate hate hate! I spent ages making more planets and suns and stuff, so I had plenty in the sky to roll up to make the 1,500,000km Katamari. And guess what? Fail! Again! Once more, I ended up with a 1,250,000km-ish Katamari, and an accidental fall into the black hole. So! Annoying!

Beautiful Katamari (360)

Once more I played to try and improve my scores/times/ratings/whatever. I think I have to re-roll all the planets and stuff, having dumped them all in the black hole to complete the game first time around, but there’s no way of telling which planets I have left to do, so I keep doing the same ones again not realising. Not that I mind, of course. I just wish my brain would remember those I’d done again. Perhaps using the Power …

Beautiful Katamari (360)

Yeah, I know I completed it yesterday already, but there’s still loads to do. I have all the presents and cousins to find, and higher scores, faster times and online play to do as well. Much of today was spent trying to get my first 100 point score. I finally managed it (on Delightful Dirigible) after 20 or so attempts. And even then, only just. And it seems there’s a 120 point score to go for now? WHAT I also …

Beautiful Katamari (360): COMPLETED!

I had a little splurge this morning, and somehow ended up buying a new Xbox 360 Elite for £260, with three free games. I didn’t have a say in the games (Halo 3, Lost Odyssey, Assassin’s Creed) which was a pain as I didn’t want Halo 3 and I already have Assassin’s Creed. And Lost Odyssey was out of stock so I had to choose something else. So I chose Beautiful Katamari! And I’m glad I did, as it’s amazing! …

Touch My Katamari (Vita): COMPLETED!

In a sale a few months ago, Touch My Katamari dropped to about £18. I was very tempted to buy it but the only thing stopping me was a full Vita memory card. By the time my 64GB card arrived, it wasn’t on sale any more and I’d a billion other things to play anyway. This week, I spotted it for £3.29 on PSN, and, with my credit I’d bought for 20% discount, nabbed it for around £2.60. Bargain! Or …

Donut County (PS4): COMPLETED!

A very short, very easy, but fun little game. Imagine Beautiful Katamari only instead of rolling stuff up to get bigger, you’re a hole and you make stuff fall in to get bigger. No, I’m not sure how putting more things in a hole makes the hole bigger either. There’s very little to it more than that, really. Apparently there are puzzles, but these are laughably simple, and there’s a boss fight which is also incredibly easy, but then that …

Completed 2008

Eternal Sonata (360 11/01/2008) Tony Hawk’s Proving Ground (360 20/01/2008) Assassin’s Creed (360 03/02/2008) Geometry Wars Galaxies (Wii 10/02/2008) Half-Life 2: Episode One (360 12/02/2008) Half-Life 2: Episode Two (360 16/02/2008) Tomb Raider Anniversary (360 09/03/2008) Commanders: Attack (360 19/03/2008) Undertow (360 25/03/2008) Beautiful Katamari (360 27/03/2008) skate. (360 14/04/2008) Me and My Katamari (PSP 26/04/2008) LocoRoco (PSP 02/05/2008) Nodame Cantabile (DS 04/05/2008) Grand Theft Auto IV (360 07/06/2008) Link’s Crossbow Training (Wii 14/06/2008) Assault Heroes (360 05/07/2008) Zack and …

The games of 2008

For four years now, I’ve kept a diary detailing the games I play. Part of the reason was to see how many games I buy (and to reduce this number), and how many I complete (and to increase this number). 2008 saw a drop in completed games – 33 compared to 61 in 2007. I don’t think this is bad, when you look at the games I’ve been completing. In 2007, there were quite a few shorter games, including 5 …

Weekend Catchup

Played a few things this weekend: Beautiful Katamari (360)Me am cry. If I play the final level on Eternal mode, and collect absolutely everything (including The King), I can only get my Katamari up to 1,450,000km. Meaning 1,500,000 is, in fact, impossible – black hole or no black hole. With this revelation, I set about redoing levels again, making more and more planets so that I’ll have some more to collect next time I try. Assuming the black hole doesn’t …